Bioshock 2 trophies
Bioshock 2 trophies

bioshock 2 trophies

One of the sequel’s cleverest tricks is how your morality affects not only your own conscience, but Eleanor’s story too. As an antagonist she doesn’t have the charisma or zealous fi re of Ryan, but her quiet ruthlessness does a good job of setting her apart. But in the game there’s a hand-wave about her being imprisoned by Ryan and all traces of her teachings being hidden away from the masses. She’s an influential figure in Rapture, but why no mention of her in the first game? The real answer is, she hadn’t been written yet. A communist, basically-exactly the kind of person Ryan feared might one day invade and conquer his city.

bioshock 2 trophies

He worshipped the ideal of the self, an objectivist, while Sofia believes in the power of the many. Being able to simultaneously wield a gun (or drill) in one hand and a Plasmid in the other is the most significant change, dramatically increasing the pace and aggression of battles, and letting you pull off power/weapon combos more fluidly.Ĭold, calculating villain Sofia Lamb is the polar opposite of Andrew Ryan. When the Little Sister begins the harvest, waves of splicers descend on her, which brings the sequel’s improved combat to life. This is a neat way of making you a part of a dynamic you observed countless times back in the original game. At certain points in BioShock 2 you have to protect a Little Sister as she goes about her rounds, sucking ADAM out of splicer corpses and recycling it. You might not move like a Big Daddy, but you do occasionally act like one. And occasionally, if the light hits you just right, you catch a glimpse of your hulking great shadow, which reminds you that, oh yeah, I’m a Big Daddy, aren’t I? Harvest Boon I do like how you can hear the tap of water on your helmet when you stand under a leak, though. The game might not have been much fun if you spent the whole playtime slowly clomping around the expansive city of Rapture, but just a little more weight would’ve helped the illusion. The first-person controls are basically identical to Jack’s in the original game, which detracts a little from the sensation of being a Big Daddy. Even the drill, a trademark weapon of the Big Daddies, feels curiously feeble when you swing it. No real sense of being a towering, heavy figure clad in an iron diving suit. There’s very little weight to the controls.

Bioshock 2 trophies