Bright memory release date xbox
Bright memory release date xbox

bright memory release date xbox

The result is a lightning-fast form of action that immediately brings names like Devil May Cry to mind. Based on what we’ve seen so far, it appears that Bright Memory’s combat combines melee weapons, guns, and various gadgets that let you quickly navigate the environment. The story seems fun enough, but its Bright Memory‘s visuals and lighting fast gameplay that is really catching everyone’s attention. Said organization has access to high-end futuristic weaponry, which is quite handy considering that Shelia must do battle with samurai who seem to have traveled through time for…um…reasons. “It is very humbling to witness the advent of Microsoft’s next-generation console and what it can do.”īright Memory is described as a “sprawling, futuristic metropolis in the year 2036.” It stars a character named Shelia who is part of the mysterious Supernatural Science Research Organization.

Bright memory release date xbox series#

“I am so excited to have the chance to announce to the world that my indie game Bright Memory: Infinite will officially be released on the Xbox Series X once development is complete,” says Bright Memory: Infinite developer Zeng Xiancheng via a recent blog post. After learning of the existence of the "Soul of Jiu Xuan", he immediately infiltrated the SRO in an attempt to steal top-secret data.First-person shooter Bright Memory: Infinite managed to steal the show during yesterday’s Xbox Series X showcase thanks to its frantic action, wonderful graphics, and the story of its one-man development team. Taking advantage of his influential status, he struck it rich by buying and selling vast numbers of ancient artifacts on the black market.

bright memory release date xbox

Having spent years undergoing various types of military training and shining among her peers in virtually every field, her near-superhuman abilities landed her a spot as a member of the ultra-elite "SRO Emergency Inspection Team".įounder of the SAI. After losing both parents in a sudden tragic accident at the age of six, she was raised by Professor Richard Carter, founder of the SRO. It is soon discovered that the various beasts and corpses of those who once populated the island have been reanimated by the "Soul of Jiu Xuan", and they're coming for Shelia. To make matters worse, while attempting to calibrate coordinates on the Quantum Transporter, Shelia mistakenly activates the device, immediately transporting everyone in the vicinity to the Floating Island - an airborne continent near the North Pole, undisturbed in its slumber for over 1000 years.

bright memory release date xbox

In an attempt to take possession of the substance, the "SAI" - a massive terrorist organization controlling its own army - has used a cutting-edge piece of technology known as a "Quantum Transporter" to infiltrate the SRO research facility and steal top-secret and incredibly dangerous data. This substance, known as the "Soul of Jiu Xuan", possesses the ability to reanimate the dead. The 1000-year-old relic swords known as "Kanshou and Bakuya", discovered through SRO research, have been found to comprise a unique multilayered structure, containing a mysterious substance in their cores. This game depicts the maiden adventure of a woman named Shelia in the year 2020. SRO (Supernatural Science Research Organization) agent Shelia's adventure is about to begin. Combine a wide variety of skills and abilities to unleash dazzling combo attacks. Sole developer FYQD Studio released a new gameplay trailer for its in-development title Bright Memory: Infinite during the Inside Xbox live stream today. Bright Memory is a lightning-fast fusion of the FPS and action genres, created by one-man development studio FYQD using Unreal Engine.

Bright memory release date xbox